Quality assurance
HTK is certified with ISO 9001:2015
Company profil
We – the company HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH in Königswiesen – offer you a possible cooperation in the field of mechanical manufacturing of your products and plants for machine, tool, jig and mould construction. Due to a broad, stable and above all cooperative network, HTK is able to meet any vertical range of manufacture.
HTK sees itself as a dynamic, ultra-modern and flexible design and manufacturing partner in the field of 3-dimensional, virtual manufacturing up to XXX-large sizes (12,000 mm) and subsequent high-quality assembly. With quality and highest precision, combined with the most modern machinery as well as perfect logistics and processing, HTK would like to address you as well.
Give us the opportunity to offer our services at fair and competent prices and to go a common path. HTK is in the position to
to support all concerns technically and constructively with ideas and experiences and to work on technically seemingly impossible areas in a purposeful way. This is ensured by a team of highly motivated and trained employees, who prove this through continuous, long-term experience.
If you are interested in a long-term partnership, we would like to get to know your contact persons personally. For this purpose we ask you to name the persons responsible for the areas of technical purchasing, development management, technology and production.
Please contact us! We will work with you on a model of mutual complementation to open up further, new and interesting perspectives!

Precision obliges
HTK and precision form a symbiosis, as this company brings together many years of experience of experts from the technical fields.
Outstanding product quality is the prerequisite for the smooth use of our products by our customers. HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH vouches for the resulting, highest possible economic efficiency for the benefit of our partners.
Nature inspires
HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH, located in Königswiesen, region Mühlviertler Alm, has conditions that many people envy us a little. HIGHTECH – products are manufactured in a wonderful environment, which have become a symbol for a whole region.
Personality counts
The high quality demands on man and machine, this must be noticeable on all levels. This has a positive effect on the team and ultimately turns customers into long-term, enthusiastic partners. The range of services is correspondingly broad. From the solution of technical as well as constructive tasks to the mutual exchange of specific knowledge; all of this is geared towards meeting the expectations of our partners.
Convincing flexibility
At the beginning there is always the idea, for a certain component or generally for a new, innovative product. Our task is to take up these ideas and develop them further in order to let them mature in an acceptable time until they are implemented in our company. The resulting projects are subjected to a wide range of tests, geared to design features such as material selection and economic feasibility. This professional procedure as well as our partnership-based attitude towards our customers is the basis for a positive, common work.
High-tech wins
HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH concentrates on the production of machines and moulded parts, tools as well as prototypes up to a size of 12 meters. According to this focus, a CNC machine park designed according to the most modern standards was set up. The extraordinary quality of our machine technology enables our customers to place the highest demands on our team. For the optimal realization of these projects we bring in profound technical knowledge and many years of experience!
Approval by the management

Production manager
Daniel Baumgartner

Karl Hüttmannsberger
The present quality management manual (QMM) including all its associated documents, lists and tables is hereby released bindingly by the management of HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH. It is handed over personally to the employees as part of their daily work and is to be applied with immediate effect.
Furthermore, the management asks all employees to participate constructively in the QMH, so that its contents always correspond to the current events at HTK and recognized improvement potentials can flow in as soon as possible and in a qualified manner.
Although the new ISO 9001:2015 no longer requires a QMM, this manual serves as an overall presentation of the company’s performance.
Quality policy of HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH
In order to survive in today’s tough cut-throat competition as a machine builder or toolmaker, we must always meet the demands of our customers entirely. What quality means is determined by our customers; as a service company we are dependent on your satisfaction.
Therefore we do not see quality as an additional task, but as a part of our daily work. The extremely low complaint rate confirms this philosophy.
One of the main reasons for our high quality level is the high training standard of our employees. The management sees it as one of its main tasks to maintain and expand the competence of its employees, among other things, through instruction and training in the operation of new equipment and machines. This applies both to employees who have a direct influence on product quality and those who only have an indirect influence.
Every employee is responsible for the quality of his work and the results of his work. This also includes the adherence to promised delivery dates.

The management obliges all employees to take responsibility for the quality of their work and encourages them to participate in the permanent improvement in organization and production. It sees it as its task to make the quality policy of the company understandable to the employees.
The implementation of the contents of the quality management handbook in daily practice is a basic requirement for the avoidance of errors in the processes and products. This includes outsourced processes by monitoring the interfaces.
The integration of all employees into the quality management system (QMS) and their active participation in the optimization ensures a continuous improvement process. Employee participation also promotes the corporate culture. The effectiveness of the measures defined in the QMS of HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH is checked by the management at regular intervals. Detected deviations are corrected immediately and the measures are subsequently checked for effectiveness. The management commits itself to the further development of the QMS as well as to the verifiable monitoring of the continuous improvement of its effectiveness through various activities.
Responsibility of the management
The management (GF) of the HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH has determined external and internal topics, which can have effects on the QMS. These are mainly external: the legal, technical, competitive and market-related environment; internal: knowledge and performance of the company and corporate culture.
The GF has identified the interested parties with relevance for the QMS, such as customers, competitors, external suppliers and certain government agencies. It has understood that their expectations mean quality, delivery reliability, state of the art and compliance with regulations and has designed the QMS accordingly. In this way, the scope of the present QM system is defined. This Q policy is part of the company philosophy. It was communicated to the employees by GF as an obligation and is the subject of regular employee information.

The GF ensures that customer requirements are determined and fulfilled in a qualified manner. It sets appropriate, measurable quality objectives annually as part of the quality policy, communicates them to the employees and monitors their fulfilment. The GF is responsible for the functioning of the QM system and the availability of the necessary resources.
In the event of major changes in the company, the GF arranges for the planning and implementation of the appropriate adjustments to the QM system in order to maintain its function. In doing so, it also pays attention to risks which may arise from changes in the field of activity. It has nominated an employee to support it in fulfilling its duties in everyday operations as a quality representative.
Responsibilities and authorities of the individual employees are set out in a job description. Ongoing internal communication is ensured by regular employee meetings, in which both general questions and those of current customer projects are dealt with.
The present QMS contains the documented information required by the standard, which is the basis for checking the effectiveness of the QMS. Once a year, the management evaluates the functions of the QM system, documents the results and, in the event of deviations, has suitable improvement measures at its disposal. The results of the quality objectives, internal and external audits, process performance, resources and the status of improvement measures are evaluated.
Management von Ressourcen
The GF has defined the required knowledge and competence of the employees in various documents, but especially in the job descriptions. Knowledge and competence prove themselves in daily work; they are regularly reviewed as part of order processing and internal audits. In terms of the workplace, the following should be emphasized: sound basic training, external and internal work experience, internal training and our own apprenticeship training.
The GF is responsible for identifying and providing the necessary resources to help implement and improve the QMS and thereby increase customer satisfaction. Only qualified employees are used to fulfill quality-relevant tasks.

HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH does not look for its employees on the job market, we train them itself. There are job descriptions for the individual functions, which define the required competence and responsibility. Training needs identified by the management are implemented, their success is questioned and documented.
The management of HTK provides a suitable infrastructure for competent order processing. This includes communication technology, hardware and software, workshop and tool equipment, material supply, storage and transport facilities, etc.
The same applies to a working environment appropriate to the business activity such as room conditions and climate, lighting, social facilities, etc.
Product realization
During the acceptance and execution of customer orders, the external and internal topics (see point 04) with relevance to the QMS are taken into account. The same applies to the requirements of the interested parties, the fulfillment of which is ensured by the daily handling of the QM system specifications. Opportunities and risks are identified for each individual customer order; they lead to appropriate measures in coordination with GF. Once the measures have been implemented, their effectiveness is reviewed by the GF or its representative. If these measures affect the QMS, it is supplemented or adjusted accordingly.
HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH has its own standard concept for the realization of customer orders. This begins with the first customer contact, communicates the individual realization steps and ends with the acceptance of the product by the customer. All orders are processed according to this concept. It is used to control production under controlled conditions with the aim of continuously fulfilling all process and product requirements. Errors caused by machine and man are to be prevented in this way.

The project manager is responsible for determining the specific customer requirements and is also responsible for the realization of the order, for optimizations and modifications. General technical and legal / official requirements are also taken into account. The project manager is the customer’s contact person until the order is completed. Before the offer is submitted, a check is made to ensure that the requirements can be met. The finished offer is counter-checked by the management if it exceeds a certain size before it is submitted. In the case of an order, the project manager compares the offer and the scope of the order to see if they match; if they do, the project manager issues an order confirmation. In the event of deviations, a coordination with the customer takes place.

As a rule, the products are constructively developed by customers at HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH. HTK receives the necessary customer information (data, specification, etc.) via data transfer and develops a corresponding CAD model of the customer product to be manufactured. Together with the customer, this model is evaluated for the fulfillment of the requirements (customer, technology, law, etc.) and, if approved, released for production. Changes during development are controlled and follow the same procedure. This ensures the subsequent production. Legal / official requirements are also taken into account.
The product manager is responsible for the selection of qualified suppliers, procurement of the necessary materials, preparation of working documents, provision of machine capacity and tools as well as for production and, if necessary, assembly of the customer’s product.
The product manager arranges for the creation of necessary working documents (drawings, CNC programs, tool plan, etc.), selects suitable machines, controls the execution of the individual work steps and monitors their results.
The production employees work independently in their environment and check the quality of their work results on their own responsibility. On customer request, test reports can also be prepared and supplied. Calibrated and monitored hand-held measuring equipment and measuring systems are available for quality control.
HTK has a number of qualified suppliers, some of whom have had business relationships with us for many years. GF has defined measures to control the procurement process, which apply to the supply of products and services / processes throughout the entire process chain. All measures serve to ensure the delivery quality and delivery reliability of HTK, including procured products, services and processes, taking into account the supplier processes.
The project manager is responsible for ensuring that both procured materials and ultimately the customer product meet the specified requirements. This also includes the consideration of elements provided by the customer. The traceability of the products is guaranteed by the project-relevant documents, since material procurement is mainly project-related. Activities after delivery are exclusively maintenance (if desired), spare parts delivery and software updates.
Measurement, analysis and improvement
At different positions during order processing, planned monitoring measures are implemented, measurements are carried out and their results are evaluated by the respective responsible person. This includes the evaluation of measures to exploit opportunities and avoid risks. The evaluations specified by the system are included in reports to the GF as well as in the management report.
Customer satisfaction with regard to delivery, service and support is mainly determined in personal discussions with the respective customer. In the event of a need for action
the management takes appropriate improvement measures. The perception of the customer’s satisfaction regarding the fulfilment of his requirements by HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH is part of the evaluation of the QM-system.

Within the scope of internal audits the conformity between QMS and the current operational processes is checked. Deviations are corrected and documented in the audit report. The effective implementation of the corrective measures is to be checked by the respective nominated responsible person.
The effectiveness of the QM system is determined by regularly planned, internal audits and the resulting, implemented measures. Furthermore, the quality representative of the management monitors the compliance with the requirements of the QM system in the current business. In addition, the regularly held employee meetings serve to monitor the effectiveness of the QM system.
During product realization, the product is checked for compliance with the specifications at specific points in the work process defined in the standard procedure (see order processing HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH).
Among other things, measurements are carried out on the product and, depending on the customer’s requirements, are documented in a measuring protocol.
If products are recognized as faulty, they are identified by the skilled worker or the project manager and removed from the material flow. An erroneous further use is definitely excluded.
Records or data on delivery quality, customer satisfaction, project execution, quotation calculation and business results are analyzed for improvement potential. Improvement measures are ordered by GF and their implementation is monitored.
The management motivates all employees of the company to participate in the continuous improvement of processes and products. It maintains appropriate documentation in which current suggestions for improvement are documented, evaluated and implemented.
In addition, the regular employee meetings serve to record ideas and suggestions for improving processes and products.
Any errors identified during the processing of a customer order are systematically investigated by the project manager for their cause and, depending on their nature, remedied by means of organizational and/or technical corrective measures. Affected processes are adjusted accordingly.
Defects or weaknesses identified during the course of order processing are recorded by the project manager and examined for their cause(s). They flow into order processing in the form of planning parameters (preventive measures)
(HTK Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH – standard concept).
Any deviation detected in the course of the processes leads to a reaction of the responsible person. The cause must be determined and suitable measures must be determined. Cause and measure will be documented in the order, the effectiveness will be checked in adequate time intervals.
The aim of the improvements is to continue to meet the requirements in the future, to avoid or reduce undesirable effects and to increase the performance and effectiveness of the QMS.

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